Simulating AIA 171 Emission from a Bundle of Strands¶

This example shows how to model AIA emission from a bundle of semi-circular strands for two different viewpoints.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import pixelate_coord_path, sample_at_coords

import synthesizAR
from synthesizAR.instruments import InstrumentSDOAIA
from synthesizAR.interfaces import RTVInterface
from synthesizAR.models import semi_circular_bundle
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First, we calculate a list of coordinates comprising a semi-circular bundle of strands. The bundle has a length of 50 Mm and a cross-sectional radius of 1 Mm and a total of 500 strands. The strands are uniformly distributed over the bundle.

obstime =
pos = SkyCoord(
    lon=0*u.deg, lat=0*u.deg, radius=1*u.AU, obstime=obstime, frame='heliographic_stonyhurst')
bundle_coords = semi_circular_bundle(50 * u.Mm, 1*u.Mm, 500, observer=pos)

As in other examples, we then use the coordinates of our strands to construct the Skeleton object.

strands = [synthesizAR.Loop(f'strand{i}', c) for i, c in enumerate(bundle_coords)]
bundle = synthesizAR.Skeleton(strands)
loop bundle rtv

We can also look at our bundle of strands from the side to confirm it has the desired geometry.

side_on_view = SkyCoord(lon=0*u.deg, lat=-90*u.deg, radius=1*u.AU, frame=pos.frame)
bundle.peek(observer=side_on_view, grid_kwargs={'grid_spacing': 2*u.deg})
loop bundle rtv

We will again use a simple RTV loop model to compute the thermal structure of each strand. This assigns a single temperature density to the entire loop based on the loop length and the specified heating rate.

rtv = RTVInterface(heating_rate=1e-4*u.Unit('erg cm-3 s-1'))

We can then compute the emission as observed by the 171 channel of AIA as viewed from an observer at 1 AU directly above the loop.

aia = InstrumentSDOAIA([0, 1]*u.s, pos, pad_fov=(10, 10)*u.arcsec)
maps = aia.observe(bundle, channels=aia.channels[2:3])
m_171 = maps['171'][0]
AIA $171 \; \mathrm{\mathring{A}}$ 2024-02-26 18:28:32

Additionally, we can look at intensity profiles along and across the loop axis using and

Note that the intensity is highest at the footpoints because we are integrating through the most amount of plasma. Additionally, note that the cross-sectional profile has a width consistent with the spatial radius we specified when constructing our bundle of strands.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=m_171)
with quantity_support():
    plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5))
    plt.plot(coord_axis.separation(coord_axis[0]).to('arcsec'), profile_axis, color='C0')
    plt.plot(coord_xs.separation(coord_xs[0]).to('arcsec'), profile_xs, color='C1')
  • AIA $171 \; \mathrm{\mathring{A}}$ 2024-02-26 18:28:32
  • loop bundle rtv

Finally, we can also compute the AIA 171 intensity as viewed from the side in order to see the semi-circular geometry of the loop bundle.

aia = InstrumentSDOAIA([0, 1]*u.s, side_on_view, pad_fov=(10, 10)*u.arcsec)
maps = aia.observe(bundle, channels=aia.channels[2:3])
AIA $171 \; \mathrm{\mathring{A}}$ 2024-02-26 18:28:32

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 50.854 seconds)

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