synthesizAR util

Basic utilities needed by all parts of the package


change_obstime(coord, obstime)

Change the obstime of a coordinate, including its observer.

change_obstime_frame(frame, obstime)

Change the obstime of a coordinate frame, including its observer.

coord_in_fov(coord, width, height[, center, ...])

find_minimum_fov(coordinates[, padding])

Given an HPC coordinate, find the coordinates of the corners of the FOV that includes all of the coordinates.


Convert fieldline coordinates output from the SSW package pfss into SkyCoord objects.

from_pfsspy(fieldlines[, n_min, obstime, ...])

Convert a pfsspy.fieldline.FieldLines structure into a list of Loop objects.

is_visible(coords, observer)

Create mask of coordinates not blocked by the solar disk.

los_velocity(v_xyz, observer)

Compute the LOS velocity for some observing angle.


SpatialPair(x, y, z)