Source code for synthesizAR.skeleton

Container for fieldlines in three-dimensional magnetic skeleton
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splprep, interp1d
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import asdf
import zarr

from synthesizAR import Loop
from synthesizAR.visualize import plot_fieldlines

__all__ = ['Skeleton']

[docs] class Skeleton(object): """ Construct magnetic field skeleton fieldlines Parameters ---------- loops : `list` List of `Loop` objects Examples -------- >>> import synthesizAR >>> import astropy.units as u >>> loop = synthesizAR.Loop('loop', SkyCoord(x=[1,4]*u.Mm, y=[2,5]*u.Mm, z=[3,6]*u.Mm,frame='heliographic_stonyhurst', representation_type='cartesian'), [1e2,1e3] * u.G) >>> field = synthesizAR.Skeleton([loop,]) """ def __init__(self, loops): self.loops = loops
[docs] @classmethod def from_coordinates(cls, coordinates, field_strengths=None, **kwargs): """ Construct `Skeleton` from list of coordinates and field strengths Parameters ---------- coordinates : `list` List of `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` loop coordinates field_strengths : `list` List of `~astropy.units.Quantity` scalar magnetic field strength along the loop """ loops = [] if field_strengths is None: field_strengths = len(coordinates) * [None] for i, (coord, fs) in enumerate(zip(coordinates, field_strengths)): loops.append(Loop(f'loop{i:06d}', coord, field_strength=fs, **kwargs)) return cls(loops)
def __repr__(self): return f'''synthesizAR Skeleton Object ------------------------ Number of loops: {len(self.loops)}'''
[docs] def to_asdf(self, filename): """ Serialize this instance of `Skeleton` to an ASDF file """ tree = {} for l in self.loops: tree[] = { 'field_strength': l.field_strength, 'coordinate': l.coordinate, 'cross_sectional_area': l.cross_sectional_area, 'model_results_filename': l.model_results_filename, } with asdf.AsdfFile(tree) as asdf_file: asdf_file.write_to(filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_asdf(cls, filename): """ Restore a `Skeleton` instance from an ASDF file Examples -------- >>> import synthesizAR >>> restored_field = synthesizAR.Skeleton.from_asdf('/path/to/skeleton.asdf') # doctest: +SKIP """ exclude_keys = ['asdf_library', 'history'] loops = [] with, mode='r', copy_arrays=True) as af: for k in af.keys(): if k in exclude_keys: continue model_results_filename = af.tree[k].get('model_results_filename', None) cross_sectional_area = af.tree[k].get('cross_sectional_area', None) loops.append(Loop( k, SkyCoord(af.tree[k]['coordinate']), af.tree[k]['field_strength'], cross_sectional_area=cross_sectional_area, model_results_filename=model_results_filename, )) return cls(loops)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def refine_loops(self, delta_s:, **kwargs): """ Interpolate loop coordinates and field strengths to a specified spatial resolution and return a new `Skeleton` object. This can be important in order to ensure that an adequate number of points are used to represent each fieldline when binning intensities onto the instrument grid. """ new_loops = [] for l in self.loops: _l = self.refine_loop(l, delta_s, **kwargs) new_loops.append(_l) return Skeleton(new_loops)
[docs] @staticmethod @u.quantity_input def refine_loop(loop, delta_s:, **kwargs): evkwargs = kwargs.get('evkwargs', {}) prepkwargs = kwargs.get('prepkwargs', {}) try: tck, _ = splprep(, u=loop.field_aligned_coordinate_norm, **prepkwargs) new_s = np.arange(0,, * u.Mm x, y, z = splev((new_s/loop.length).decompose(), tck, **evkwargs) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise Exception(f'Failed to refine {}') from e unit = new_coord = SkyCoord(x=x*unit, y=y*unit, z=z*unit, frame=loop.coordinate.frame, representation_type=loop.coordinate.representation_type) f_B = interp1d(, loop.field_strength) new_field_strength = f_B( * loop.field_strength.unit f_A = interp1d(, loop.cross_sectional_area) new_area = f_A( * loop.cross_sectional_area.unit return Loop(, new_coord, field_strength=new_field_strength, cross_sectional_area=new_area, model_results_filename=loop.model_results_filename)
@property def all_coordinates(self): """ Coordinates for all loops in the skeleton. .. note:: This should be treated as a collection of points and NOT a continuous structure. """ return SkyCoord([l.coordinate for l in self.loops], frame=self.loops[0].coordinate.frame, representation_type=self.loops[0].coordinate.representation_type) @property def all_coordinates_centers(self): """ Coordinates for all grid cell centers of all loops in the skeleton .. note:: This should be treated as a collection of points and NOT a continuous structure. """ return SkyCoord([l.coordinate_center for l in self.loops], frame=self.loops[0].coordinate_center.frame, representation_type=self.loops[0].coordinate_center.representation_type) @cached_property def all_widths(self) -> """ Widths for all loops concatenated together """ return np.concatenate([l.field_aligned_coordinate_width for l in self.loops]) @cached_property def all_cross_sectional_areas(self) ->**2: """ Cross-sectional areas for all loops concatenated together. .. note:: These are the cross-sectional areas evaluated at the center of the loop. """ return np.concatenate([l.cross_sectional_area_center for l in self.loops])
[docs] def peek(self, **kwargs): """ Plot loop coordinates on the solar disk. See Also -------- synthesizAR.visualize.plot_fieldlines """ plot_fieldlines(*[_.coordinate for _ in self.loops], **kwargs)
[docs] def configure_loop_simulations(self, interface, **kwargs): """ Configure hydrodynamic simulations for each loop object """ for loop in self.loops: interface.configure_input(loop, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _load_loop_simulation(loop, root=None, interface=None): # Load in parameters from interface (time, electron_temperature, ion_temperature, density, velocity) = interface.load_results(loop) # If no Zarr file is passed, set the quantites as attributes on the loops if root is None: loop._time = time loop._electron_temperature = electron_temperature loop._ion_temperature = ion_temperature loop._density = density loop._velocity = velocity loop._simulation_type = else: # Write to file grp = root.create_group( grp.attrs['simulation_type'] = # time dset_time = grp.create_dataset('time', data=time.value) dset_time.attrs['unit'] = time.unit.to_string() # NOTE: Set the chunk size such that accessing all entries for a given timestep # is the most efficient pattern. chunks = (None,) + loop.field_aligned_coordinate_center.shape # electron temperature dset_electron_temperature = grp.create_dataset( 'electron_temperature', data=electron_temperature.value, chunks=chunks) dset_electron_temperature.attrs['unit'] = electron_temperature.unit.to_string() # ion temperature dset_ion_temperature = grp.create_dataset( 'ion_temperature', data=ion_temperature.value, chunks=chunks) dset_ion_temperature.attrs['unit'] = ion_temperature.unit.to_string() # number density dset_density = grp.create_dataset('density', data=density.value, chunks=chunks) dset_density.attrs['unit'] = density.unit.to_string() # field-aligned velocity dset_velocity = grp.create_dataset('velocity', data=velocity.value, chunks=chunks) dset_velocity.attrs['unit'] = velocity.unit.to_string() dset_velocity.attrs['note'] = 'Velocity in the field-aligned direction'
[docs] def load_loop_simulations(self, interface, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Load in loop parameters from hydrodynamic results. """ if filename is None: root = None else: root =, mode='w', **kwargs) for loop in self.loops: loop.model_results_filename = filename try: import distributed client = distributed.get_client() except (ImportError, ValueError): for l in self.loops: self._load_loop_simulation(l, root=root, interface=interface) else: status = self._load_loop_simulation, self.loops, root=root, interface=interface, ) return status
[docs] def load_ionization_fractions(self, emission_model, interface=None, **kwargs): """ Load the ionization fractions for each ion in the emission model. Parameters ---------- emission_model : `synthesizAR.atomic.EmissionModel` interface : optional A model interface. Only necessary if loading the ionization fractions from the model If the model interface provides a method for loading the population fraction from the model, use that to get the population fractions. Otherwise, compute the ion population fractions in equilibrium. This should be done after calling `load_loop_simulations`. """ from fiasco import Element from synthesizAR.atomic import equilibrium_ionization root =[0].model_results_filename, mode='a', **kwargs) # Check if we can load from the model FROM_MODEL = False if interface is not None and hasattr(interface, 'load_ionization_fraction'): frac = interface.load_ionization_fraction(self.loops[0], emission_model[0]) # Some models may optionally output the ionization fractions such that # they will have this method, but it may not return anything if frac is not None: FROM_MODEL = True # Get the unique elements from all of our ions element_names = list(set([ion.element_name for ion in emission_model])) for el_name in element_names: el = Element(el_name, emission_model.temperature) ions = [i for i in emission_model if i.element_name == el.element_name] for loop in self.loops: chunks = (None,) + loop.field_aligned_coordinate_center.shape if not FROM_MODEL: frac_el = equilibrium_ionization(el, loop.electron_temperature) if 'ionization_fraction' in root[]: grp = root[f'{}/ionization_fraction'] else: grp = root[].create_group('ionization_fraction') for ion in ions: if FROM_MODEL: frac = interface.load_ionization_fraction(loop, ion) desc = f'{ion.ion_name} ionization fraction computed by {}' else: frac = frac_el[:, :, ion.charge_state] desc = f'{ion.ion_name} ionization fraction in equilibrium.' dset = grp.create_dataset(f'{ion.ion_name}', data=frac, chunks=chunks) dset.attrs['unit'] = '' dset.attrs['description'] = desc