Source code for synthesizAR.models.scaling_laws

Implementations of various coronal loop scaling laws
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
import sunpy.sun.constants as sun_const
from scipy.special import beta, betaincinv
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz

__all__ = ['Isothermal', 'MartensScalingLaws', 'RTVScalingLaws']

KAPPA_0 = 1e-6 * u.erg / / u.s * u.K**(-7/2)

[docs] class Isothermal(object): r""" Hydrostatic loop solutions for an isothermal atmosphere Parameters ---------- s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Field-aligned loop coordinate r : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Radial distance as a function of `s` temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity` pressure0 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Pressure at :math:`r=R_{\odot}` """ @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, s:, r:, temperature: u.K, pressure0: u.dyne/**2): self.s = s self.r = r self.temperature = temperature self.pressure0 = pressure0 @property def _integral(self): # Add points to the front in the case that s[0] does not # correspond to R_sun as we do not know the initial value # at that point r = np.append(const.R_sun, self.r) s = np.append(-np.diff(self.s)[0], self.s) integrand = 1/r**2 * np.gradient(r) / np.gradient(s) # Integrate over the whole loop return cumtrapz('cm-2').value,'cm').value) / @property @u.quantity_input def pressure(self) -> u.dyne /**2: return self.pressure0 * np.exp(-const.R_sun**2 / self.pressure_scale_height * self._integral) @property @u.quantity_input def pressure_scale_height(self) -> return 2 * const.k_B * self.temperature / const.m_p / sun_const.equatorial_surface_gravity @property @u.quantity_input def density(self) ->**(-3): return self.pressure / (2*const.k_B*self.temperature)
[docs] class MartensScalingLaws(object): """ Coronal loop scaling laws of [1]_ Parameters ---------- s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Field-aligned loop coordinate for half of symmetric, semi-circular loop loop_length : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Loop half-length heating_constant : `astropy.units.Quantity` Constant of proportionality that relates the actual heating rate to the scaling with temperature and pressure. The actual units will depend on `alpha` and `beta`. See Eq. 2 of [1]_. alpha : `float`, optional Temperature dependence of the heating rate beta : `float`, optional Pressure depndence of the heating rate gamma : `float`, optional Temperature dependence of the radiative loss rate chi : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Constant of proportionality relating the actual radiative losses to the scaling with temperature. May need to adjust this based on the value of `gamma`. References ---------- .. [1] Martens, P., 2010, ApJ, `714, 1290 <>`_ """ @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, s:, loop_length:, heating_constant, alpha=0, beta=0, gamma=0.5, chi=10**(-18.8) * u.erg ***3 / u.s * u.K**(0.5)): self.s = s self.loop_length = loop_length self.heating_constant = heating_constant self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.chi = chi self.chi_0 = self.chi/(4.*(const.k_B**2)) @property def x(self,): x = (self.s/self.loop_length).decompose() if (x > 1).any(): raise ValueError() return x @property @u.quantity_input def max_temperature(self,) -> u.K: coeff_1 = np.sqrt(KAPPA_0 / self.chi_0 * (3 - 2*self.gamma))/( 4 + 2*self.gamma + 2*self.alpha) coeff_2 = (7/2 + self.alpha)/(3/2 - self.gamma) beta_func = beta(self._lambda + 1, 0.5) index = self.alpha + 11/4*self.beta + self.gamma*self.beta/2 - 7/2 return (self.chi_0 * coeff_2 / self.heating_constant * (coeff_1*beta_func/self.loop_length)**(2-self.beta))**(1/index) @property @u.quantity_input def temperature(self,) -> u.K: beta_term = betaincinv(self._lambda+1, 0.5, self.x.value)**(1./(2 + self.gamma + self.alpha)) return self.max_temperature * beta_term @property @u.quantity_input def pressure(self,) -> u.dyne/(**2): coeff = np.sqrt(KAPPA_0 / self.chi_0 * (3 - 2*self.gamma))/(4 + 2*self.gamma + 2*self.alpha) beta_func = beta(self._lambda + 1, 0.5) p_0 = self.max_temperature**((11+2*self.gamma)/4) * coeff * beta_func / self.loop_length return np.ones(self.s.shape) * p_0 @property @u.quantity_input def heating_rate(self,) -> u.erg/(**3)/u.s: return self.heating_constant * (self.pressure**self.beta) * (self.temperature**self.alpha) @property def _lambda(self): mu = -2*(2+self.gamma)/7 nu = 2*self.alpha/7 return (1.-2*nu + mu)/(2*(nu-mu))
[docs] class RTVScalingLaws(object): """ Coronal loop scaling laws of [1]_ Parameters ---------- loop_length : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Loop half-length pressure : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Constant pressure heating_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Uniform heating rate chi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Coefficient for radiative loss function References ---------- .. [1] Rosner, R., W.H. Tucker, G.S. Vaiana, 1978, ApJ, `220, 643 <>`_ """ @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, loop_length:, pressure=None, heating_rate=None, chi=None,): if (pressure is None and heating_rate is None) or (pressure is not None and heating_rate is not None): raise ValueError('Must specify either pressure or heating rate.') self.loop_length = loop_length self._pressure = pressure self._heating_rate = heating_rate self.chi = 10**(-18.8) * u.erg ***3 / u.s * u.K**(0.5) if chi is None else chi @property def c1(self,): return (3 / const.k_B * np.sqrt(self.chi / 2 / KAPPA_0))**(1/3) @property def c2(self,): return self.c1**(-5/2) * 7 / 8 * self.chi / (const.k_B**2) @property @u.quantity_input def max_temperature(self,) -> u.K: return self.c1 * (self.pressure * self.loop_length)**(1/3) @property @u.quantity_input def heating_rate(self,) -> u.erg / u.s / (**3): if self._heating_rate is not None: return self._heating_rate else: return self.c2 * self.pressure**(7/6) * self.loop_length**(-5/6) @property @u.quantity_input def pressure(self,) -> u.dyne/(**2): if self._pressure is not None: return self._pressure else: return (self.heating_rate / self.c2)**(6/7) * self.loop_length**(5/7) @property @u.quantity_input def density(self,) ->**(-3): return self.pressure / (2 * const.k_B * self.max_temperature)