Source code for synthesizAR.interfaces.martens

Interface between loop object and scaling law calculations by Martens
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const

from synthesizAR.models import MartensScalingLaws

__all__ = ['MartensInterface']

[docs] class MartensInterface(object): """ Interface to the Martens scaling laws. The maximum temperature is determined using the RTV scaling laws. Parameters ---------- heating_constant : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Constant of proportionality for heating rate scaling. temperature_cutoff : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Lowest possible temperature in the loop. The Martens scaling laws permit temperatures of 0 K at the base of the loop which are unphysical. model_parameters : `dict`, optional Keyword arguments to `synthesizAR.models.MartensScalingLaws` See Also -------- synthesizAR.models.MartensScalingLaws : """ name = 'Martens2010' @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, heating_constant, temperature_cutoff=1e4*u.K, **model_parameters): self.temperature_cutoff = temperature_cutoff self.model_parameters = model_parameters self.heating_constant = heating_constant
[docs] def load_results(self, loop): time = u.Quantity([0, ], 's') s_half = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)*loop.length/2 H = self.get_heating_constant(loop) msl = MartensScalingLaws(s_half, loop.length/2, H, **self.model_parameters) # Make sure there are no temperatures below specified cutoff msl_temperature = np.where(msl.temperature < self.temperature_cutoff, self.temperature_cutoff, msl.temperature) # Assume symmetric, reflect across apex s_full = np.concatenate((msl.s, msl.s[1:]+msl.s[-1])).value * msl.s.unit T_full = np.concatenate((msl_temperature, msl_temperature[::-1][1:])).value * msl_temperature.unit # Interpolate to centers of extrapolated fieldline grid cells s_center = temperature = interp1d( s_full.value, T_full.value, kind='slinear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=T_full[-1].value )(s_center) temperature = temperature[np.newaxis, :] * T_full.unit # Martens loops are isobaric, use ideal gas law to get density density = msl.pressure[0] / (2*const.k_B*temperature) # NOTE: Scaling laws do not provide any velocity information velocity = np.ones(time.shape+s_center.shape) * np.nan * return time, temperature, temperature, density, velocity
[docs] def get_heating_constant(self, loop): """ Override this to get a more complicated relationship between the loop and the heating rate """ return self.heating_constant