Source code for synthesizAR.interfaces.ebtel.util

Utility functions for configuring ebtel++ simulations
import os
import subprocess
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
import tempfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as xdm

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['run_ebtel', 'read_xml', 'write_xml']

class EbtelPlusPlusError(Exception):
    Raise this exception when there's an ebtel++ error

[docs] def run_ebtel(config, ebtel_dir): """ Run an ebtel++ simulation Parameters ---------- config: `dict` Dictionary of configuration options ebtel_dir: `str` Path to directory containing ebtel++ source code. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: config_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ebtelplusplus.tmp.xml') results_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ebtelplusplus.tmp') config['output_filename'] = results_filename write_xml(config, config_filename) cmd = [os.path.join(ebtel_dir, 'bin/'), '-c', config_filename], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if cmd.stderr: raise EbtelPlusPlusError(f"{cmd.stderr.decode('utf-8')}") data = np.loadtxt(results_filename) results = { 'time': data[:, 0], 'electron_temperature': data[:, 1], 'ion_temperature': data[:, 2], 'density': data[:, 3], 'electron_pressure': data[:, 4], 'ion_pressure': data[:, 5], 'velocity': data[:, 6], 'heat': data[:, 7], } results_dem = {} if config['calculate_dem']: results_dem['dem_tr'] = np.loadtxt( config['output_filename'] + '.dem_tr') results_dem['dem_corona'] = np.loadtxt( config['output_filename'] + '.dem_corona') # The first row of both is the temperature bins results_dem['dem_temperature'] = results_dem['dem_tr'][0, :] results_dem['dem_tr'] = results_dem['dem_tr'][1:, :] results_dem['dem_corona'] = results_dem['dem_corona'][1:, :] return {**results, **results_dem}
[docs] def read_xml(input_filename,): """ For all input variables, find them in the XML tree and return them to a dictionary Parameters ---------- input_filename : `str` """ tree = ET.parse(input_filename) root = tree.getroot() var_list = [child.tag for child in root] input_dict = {} for var in var_list: # Find node node = root.find(var) # Check if found if node is None: warnings.warn(f'No value found for input {var}. Returning None.') input_dict[var] = None else: input_dict[node.tag] = read_node(node) return input_dict
def read_node(node): """ Read in node values for different configurations """ if list(node): _child_tags = [child.tag for child in node] if len(_child_tags) != len(set(_child_tags)): tmp = [] for child in node: tmp.append({child.tag: read_node(child)}) else: tmp = OrderedDict() for child in node: tmp[child.tag] = read_node(child) return tmp else: if node.text: return type_checker(node.text) elif node.attrib: return {key: type_checker(node.attrib[key]) for key in node.attrib} else: warnings.warn(f'Unrecognized node format for {node.tag}. Returning None.') return None def bool_filter(val): """ Convert true/false string to Python bool. Otherwise, return string. """ trues = ['True', 'TRUE', 'true', 'yes', 'Yes'] falses = ['False', 'FALSE', 'false', 'no', 'No'] if any([val == t for t in trues]): return True elif any([val == f for f in falses]): return False else: return val def type_checker(val): """ Convert to int or float if possible """ try: return int(val) except ValueError: pass try: return float(val) except ValueError: pass return bool_filter(val)
[docs] def write_xml(output_dict, output_filename): """ Print dictionary to XML file Parameters ---------- output_dict : `dict` structure to print to file output_filename : `str` filename to print to """ root = ET.Element('root') for key in output_dict: set_element_recursive(root, output_dict[key], key) with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(pretty_print_xml(root))
def set_element_recursive(root, node, keyname): """ Set element tags, values, and attributes. Recursive for arrays/lists. """ element = ET.SubElement(root, keyname) if type(node) is list: for item in node: sub_keyname = [k for k in item][0] set_element_recursive(element, item[sub_keyname], sub_keyname) elif type(node).__name__ == 'OrderedDict': for key in node: set_element_recursive(element, node[key], key) elif type(node) is dict: for key in node: element.set(key, str(node[key])) else: element.text = str(node) def pretty_print_xml(element): """ Formatted XML output for writing to file. """ unformatted = ET.tostring(element) xdmparse = xdm.parseString(unformatted) return xdmparse.toprettyxml(indent=" ")