Source code for synthesizAR.interfaces.ebtel.ebtel

Interface between loop object and ebtel++ simulation
import os
import copy
import warnings
import toolz

import numpy as np
import h5py
import astropy.units as u
from fiasco import Element
    import distributed
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('Dask library required for NEI calculation')

from synthesizAR.atomic import non_equilibrium_ionization
from .util import run_ebtel

[docs] class EbtelInterface(object): """ Interface to the Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops (EBTEL) model Parameters ---------- base_config : `dict` Config dictionary with default parameters for all loops. heating_model : object Heating model class for configuring event times and rates config_dir : `str` Path to configuration file directory results_dir : `str` Path to results file directory """ name = 'EBTEL' def __init__(self, base_config, heating_model, ebtel_dir): """ Create EBTEL interface """ self.base_config = base_config self.heating_model = heating_model self.ebtel_dir = ebtel_dir
[docs] def load_results(self, loop): """ Load EBTEL output for a given loop object. Parameters ---------- loop : `synthesizAR.Loop` object """ # Configure run output_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.base_config) output_dict['loop_length'] = / 2.0 event_properties = self.heating_model.calculate_event_properties(loop) events = [] for i in range(event_properties['magnitude'].shape[0]): events.append({'event': {'magnitude': event_properties['magnitude'][i], 'rise_start': event_properties['rise_start'][i], 'rise_end': event_properties['rise_end'][i], 'decay_start': event_properties['decay_start'][i], 'decay_end': event_properties['decay_end'][i]}}) output_dict['heating']['events'] = events # Run model _tmp = run_ebtel(output_dict, self.ebtel_dir) # reshape into a 1D loop structure with units N_s = loop.field_aligned_coordinate_center.shape[0] time = _tmp['time']*u.s electron_temperature = np.outer(_tmp['electron_temperature'], np.ones(N_s))*u.K ion_temperature = np.outer(_tmp['ion_temperature'], np.ones(N_s))*u.K density = np.outer(_tmp['density'], np.ones(N_s))*(**(-3)) velocity = np.outer(_tmp['velocity'], np.ones(N_s))* # flip sign of velocity where the radial distance from center is maximum # FIXME: this is probably not the best way to do this... r = np.sqrt(np.sum(**2, axis=0)) i_mirror = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(np.gradient(r))))[0] if i_mirror.shape[0] > 0: i_mirror = i_mirror[0] + 1 else: # If the first method fails, just set it at the midpoint i_mirror = int(N_s / 2) if N_s % 2 == 0 else int((N_s - 1) / 2) velocity[:, i_mirror:] = -velocity[:, i_mirror:] return time, electron_temperature, ion_temperature, density, velocity
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_ionization_fraction(skeleton, emission_model, **kwargs): """ Solve the time-dependent ionization balance equation for all loops and all elements This method computes the time dependent ion population fractions for each element in the emission model and each loop in the active region and compiles the results to a single HDF5 file. To do this efficiently, it uses the dask.distributed library to take advantage of multiple processes/cores/machines and compute the population fractions in parallel. It returns an asynchronous `~distributed.client.Future` object which holds the state of the submitted tasks. Parameters ---------- skeleton : `~synthesizAR.Skeleton` emission_model : `~synthesizAR.atomic.EmissionModel` Other Parameters --------------------- temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Returns -------- future : `~distributed.client.Future` """ client = distributed.get_client() unique_elements = list(set([ion.element_name for ion in emission_model])) temperature = kwargs.get('temperature', emission_model.temperature) futures = {} for el_name in unique_elements: el = Element(el_name, temperature) partial_nei = toolz.curry(EbtelInterface.compute_nei)(el) partial_write = toolz.curry(EbtelInterface.write_to_hdf5)( element_name=el_name, savefile=emission_model.ionization_fraction_savefile) y =, skeleton.loops, pure=False) write_y =, y, skeleton.loops, pure=False) distributed.client.wait(write_y) futures[el_name] = write_y return futures
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_nei(element, loop): """ Compute NEI populations for a given element and loop """ y = non_equilibrium_ionization(element, loop.time, loop.electron_temperature[:, 0], loop.density[:, 0]) # Fake a spatial axis by tiling the same result at each s coordinate return np.repeat(y.value[:, np.newaxis, :], loop.field_aligned_coordinate.shape[0], axis=1)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_to_hdf5(data, loop, element_name, savefile): """ Collect and store all NEI populations in a single HDF5 file """ lock = distributed.Lock('hdf5_ebtel_nei') with lock: with h5py.File(savefile, 'a') as hf: grp = hf.create_group( if not in hf else hf[] if element_name not in grp: dset = grp.create_dataset(element_name, data=data) else: dset = grp[element_name] dset[:, :, :] = data dset.attrs['unit'] = '' dset.attrs['description'] = 'non-equilibrium ionization fractions'