Source code for synthesizAR.instruments.physical

Instruments for calculating physical quantities, rather than
observed counts, projected along a LOS
from dataclasses import dataclass
import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.wcs
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import ndcube
from import GenericMap

from synthesizAR.instruments import ChannelBase, InstrumentBase
from synthesizAR.util import los_velocity
from synthesizAR.util.decorators import return_quantity_as_tuple
from synthesizAR.instruments.util import add_wave_keys_to_header, extend_celestial_wcs

__all__ = [

class ChannelDEM(ChannelBase):
    bin_edges: u.Quantity = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.log_bin_edges = np.log10('K').value) = f'{self.log_bin_edges[0]:.2f}-{self.log_bin_edges[1]:.2f}'

[docs] class InstrumentDEM(InstrumentBase): name = 'DEM' @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, *args, temperature_bin_edges: u.K, **kwargs): self.temperature_bin_edges = temperature_bin_edges n_bins = temperature_bin_edges.shape[0]-1 bin_edges = [temperature_bin_edges[[i, i+1]] for i in range(n_bins)] self.channels = [ChannelDEM(bin_edges=be) for be in bin_edges] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property @u.quantity_input def temperature_bin_centers(self) -> u.K: return (self.temperature_bin_edges[1:] + self.temperature_bin_edges[:-1])/2
[docs] def get_instrument_name(self, channel): # This ensures that the temperature bin labels are in the header return f'{}_{}'
[docs] @staticmethod @return_quantity_as_tuple def calculate_intensity_kernel(loop, channel, **kwargs): T = loop.electron_temperature n = loop.density bin_mask = np.where( np.logical_and(T >= channel.bin_edges[0], T < channel.bin_edges[1]), 1, 0) kernel = n**2 * bin_mask return kernel
[docs] def dem_maps_to_cube(self, dem, time_index): """ Convert a list of DEM maps to a DEM NDCube """ # NOTE: this is the format that .observe returns return type(self).dem_maps_list_to_cube( [dem[][time_index] for c in self.channels], self.temperature_bin_centers, )
[docs] @staticmethod def dem_maps_list_to_cube(dem_maps, temperature_bin_centers): # Construct WCS compound_wcs = extend_celestial_wcs(dem_maps[0].wcs, temperature_bin_centers, 'temperature', 'phys.temperature') # Stack arrays dem_array = u.Quantity([d.quantity for d in dem_maps]) return ndcube.NDCube(dem_array, wcs=compound_wcs, meta=dem_maps[0].meta)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_intensity(dem, spectra, header, meta=None): """ Compute intensity from a DEM and a temperature-dependent spectra Parameters ---------- dem: `~ndcube.NDCube` The first axis should correspond to temperature spectra: `~ndcube.NDCube` header: `dict` or header-like Header information corresponding to the spatial axes of the DEM cube meta: `dict`, optional Additional metadata wavelength """ temperature_bin_centers = dem.axis_world_coords(0)[0] wavelength_spectra = spectra.axis_world_coords(1)[0] temperature_spectra = spectra.axis_world_coords(0)[0].to(temperature_bin_centers.unit) # Interpolate spectral cube to DEM temperatures f_interp = interp1d(temperature_spectra.value,, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) spectra_interp = f_interp(temperature_bin_centers.value) spectra_interp = spectra_interp * spectra.unit # Take dot product between DEM and spectra intensity = np.tensordot(spectra_interp, u.Quantity(, dem.unit), axes=([0], [0])) # Construct cube wave_header = add_wave_keys_to_header(wavelength_spectra, header) wave_header['BUNIT'] = intensity.unit.to_string() wave_header['NAXIS'] = len(intensity.shape) wave_header['WCSAXES'] = len(intensity.shape) meta = {} if meta is None else meta meta = {**meta, **wave_header} wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(header=wave_header) return ndcube.NDCube(intensity, wcs=wcs, meta=meta)
[docs] def make_slope_map(self, dem, time_index, temperature_bounds=None, em_threshold=None, rsquared_tolerance=0.5, full=False): """ Calculate emission measure slope :math:`a` in each pixel Create map of emission measure slopes by fitting :math:`\mathrm{EM}\sim T^a` for a given temperature range. A slope is masked if a value between the `temperature_bounds` is less than :math:`\mathrm{EM}`. Additionally, the "goodness-of-fit" is evaluated using the correlation coefficient, :math:`r^2=1 - R_1/R_0`, where :math:`R_1` and :math:`R_0` are the residuals from the first and zeroth order polynomial fits, respectively. We mask the slope if :math:`r^2` is less than `rsquared_tolerance`. Parameters ---------- temperature_bounds : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional em_threshold : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Mask slope if any emission measure in the fit interval is below this value rsquared_tolerance : `float` Mask any slopes with a correlation coefficient, :math:`r^2`, below this value full : `bool` If True, return maps of the intercept and :math:`r^2` values as well """ if temperature_bounds is None: temperature_bounds = u.Quantity((1e6, 4e6), u.K) if em_threshold is None: em_threshold = u.Quantity(1e25,**(-5)) # Get temperature fit array index_temperature_bounds = np.where(np.logical_and( self.temperature_bin_centers >= temperature_bounds[0], self.temperature_bin_centers <= temperature_bounds[1])) temperature_fit = np.log10( self.temperature_bin_centers[index_temperature_bounds].to(u.K).value) if temperature_fit.size < 3: warnings.warn(f'Fitting to fewer than 3 points in temperature space: {temperature_fit}') # Cut on temperature data = u.Quantity([dem[][time_index].quantity for c in self.channels]).T # Get EM fit array em_fit = np.log10(data.value.reshape(([:2]),) + data.shape[2:]).T) em_fit[np.logical_or(np.isinf(em_fit), np.isnan(em_fit))] = 0.0 # Filter before fitting # Fit to first-order polynomial coefficients, rss, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(temperature_fit, em_fit, 1, full=True,) # Create mask from correlation coefficient EM threshold _, rss_flat, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(temperature_fit, em_fit, 0, full=True,) rss = 0.*rss_flat if rss.size == 0 else rss # returns empty residual when fit is exact rsquared = 1. - rss/rss_flat rsquared_mask = rsquared.reshape(data.shape[:2]) < rsquared_tolerance em_mask = np.any(data < em_threshold, axis=2) # Rebuild into a map base_meta = self[0].meta.copy() base_meta['temp_a'] = 10.**temperature_fit[0] base_meta['temp_b'] = 10.**temperature_fit[-1] base_meta['bunit'] = '' base_meta['detector'] = 'EM slope' base_meta['comment'] = 'Linear fit to log-transformed LOS EM' plot_settings = self[0].plot_settings.copy() plot_settings['norm'] = None m = GenericMap( coefficients[0, :].reshape(data.shape[:2]), base_meta, mask=np.stack((em_mask, rsquared_mask), axis=2).any(axis=2), plot_settings=plot_settings ) return (m, coefficients, rsquared) if full else m
class InstrumentQuantityBase(InstrumentBase): @u.quantity_input def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.channels = [ChannelBase(] super().__init__(*args, average_over_los=True, **kwargs)
[docs] class InstrumentLOSVelocity(InstrumentQuantityBase): name = 'los_velocity'
[docs] @staticmethod @return_quantity_as_tuple def calculate_intensity_kernel(loop, *args, **kwargs): observer = kwargs.get('observer') if observer is None: raise ValueError('Must pass in observer to compute LOS velocity.') return los_velocity(loop.velocity_xyz, observer)
[docs] class InstrumentTemperature(InstrumentQuantityBase): name = 'temperature'
[docs] @staticmethod @return_quantity_as_tuple def calculate_intensity_kernel(loop, *args, **kwargs): return loop.electron_temperature