Source code for synthesizAR.atomic.population_fractions

Functions for computing population fractions as a function of time
import warnings

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

__all__ = ['equilibrium_ionization', 'non_equilibrium_ionization', 'effective_temperature']

[docs] @u.quantity_input def equilibrium_ionization(element, temperature, **kwargs): """ Compute the ionization fraction in equilibrium for a given temperature array. Parameters ---------- element : `~fiasco.Element` temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity` """ interp_kwargs = { 'kind': 'cubic', 'fill_value': 'extrapolate', } interp_kwargs.update(kwargs) f_interp = interp1d(, element.equilibrium_ionization.value, axis=0, **interp_kwargs) ioneq_interp = f_interp(temperature.value) return u.Quantity(ioneq_interp)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def non_equilibrium_ionization(element, time: u.s, temperature: u.K, density:**(-3), check_solution=True): """ Compute the ionization fraction in non-equilibrium for a given temperature and density timeseries. Compute the time-dependent ionization fractions of a given element out of equilibrium. This method is described in [1]_ and in more detail in the Appendix of [2]_. Parameters ---------- element : `~fiasco.Element` Element to compute the non-equilibrium population fractions for. time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity` density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` check_solution : `bool`, optional If True, check that the conditions of [1]_ are satisfied References ---------- .. [1] Macneice, P., 1984, Sol Phys, `90, 357 <>`_ .. [2] Barnes, W.T. et al., 2019, ApJ, `880, 56 <>`_ """ # Find index of the rate_matrix array (corresponding to the temperature) that is closest to # each value of the input temperature. This is then used to select appropriate rate_matrix # slice at each time step. interpolate_indices = [np.abs(element.temperature - t).argmin() for t in temperature] y = np.zeros(time.shape + (element.atomic_number + 1,)) # Initialize with the equilibrium populations y[0, :] = element.equilibrium_ionization[interpolate_indices[0], :] identity = u.Quantity(np.eye(element.atomic_number + 1)) for i in range(1, time.shape[0]): dt = time[i] - time[i-1] term1 = identity - density[i] * dt/2. * element._rate_matrix[interpolate_indices[i], ...] term2 = identity + density[i-1] * dt/2. * element._rate_matrix[interpolate_indices[i-1], ...] y[i, :] = np.linalg.inv(term1) @ term2 @ y[i-1, :] y[i, :] = np.fabs(y[i, :]) y[i, :] /= y[i, :].sum() if check_solution: eps_d = 0.1 eps_r = 0.6 if (np.fabs(y[1:, :] - y[:-1, :]) > eps_d).any(): warnings.warn('Condition 1 of Macneice et al. (1984) is not satisfied. ' 'Consider choosing a smaller timestep.') if np.logical_or(y[1:, :]/y[:-1, :] > 10**(eps_r), y[1:, :]/y[:-1, :] < 10**(-eps_r)).any(): warnings.warn('Condition 2 of Macneice et al. (1984) is not satisfied. ' 'Consider choosing a smaller timestep.') return u.Quantity(y)
[docs] def effective_temperature(element, time, temperature, density, **kwargs): """ Compute the effective temperature for a plasma out of ionization equilibrium. For a given time-dependent temperature and density, use the time-dependent ionization fractions of a given element to compute the temperature one would infer if the plasma were assumed to be in equilibrium. This method is described in detail in [3]_. This method is a good proxy for understanding how the assumption of ionization equilibrium may lead to an underestimation of the actual underlying plasma temperature. References ---------- .. [3] Bradshaw, S.J., 2009, A&A, `502, 409 <>`_ """ frac_nei = non_equilibrium_ionization(element, time, temperature, density, **kwargs) # NOTE: For each timestep, the line below does the following: # 1. Compute the absolute difference between the ionization state out of equilibrium and the # equilibrium state at each temperature. # 2. Sum these differences over all ionization states for each temperature # 3. Find the (temperature) index whose sum is the smallest. # 4. Use that index to find the corresponding equilibrium temperature # In this way, the effective temperature is the equilibrium temperature that has the set of # ionization states that most closely matches the ionization state out of equilibrium at that # given timestep. ioneq = element.equilibrium_ionization return element.temperature[[(np.fabs(ioneq - nei)).sum(axis=1).argmin() for nei in frac_nei]]